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The details from Saturday night!

Hi, Patrick!

Wow!....where to begin!!......

When we first arrived and you gave us the tour, you could DEFINITELY feel the diverse energies in the place!....there's something about it that just sort of draws you in and makes you WANT to be there....

Upstairs, in Annabelle's room, the energy gets under your feet and practically lifts you off the floor- its very open and lilting and "flowy"- like having a kid around is....

The vibe is different in the Army soldier's room- lonely and kind of depressing....

When in the Bay room where we stayed, when we walked in it felt like there was ALREADY a room full of people and they came to PARTY!!....

In the attic it is different somehow, although Im not sure how, but when we were up there with you I asked you and my husband both if you "heard the music"--neither of you did at the time......

The last place you took us was the cellar, and while the outside rooms presented no immediate offerings, the minute we crossed the threshold into the slave room I was literally put on my knees...We've been to some active sites- we even LIVE in a house that's haunted- but I've never encountered an energy that had that kind of physical effect on me: heavy, oppressive, and- for want of a better word- SAD....I found it hard to breathe and had to leave the room.....

When we investigated on our own that night, the atmosphere was definitely charged....THEY knew we were there and we'd come to play....our room, the cellar and the attic provided the most interesting events....

You have a grey tabby (Cosmo) that attached himself to me and I noticed a pattern with him...I had the K2 meter sitting on the edge of the dresser by the door of our room, and when it would light up (which it did ALOT) he would cry at the doorway but not come in....once the lights stopped, the cat would come into the room!!.....this happened three or four times so I know it wasn't "coincidence" (no such thing anyway LOL)....

While in the cellar the K2 was VERY active in the slave room, UNTIL I set it on the block you told us the slaves were chained to. Then ALL the lights stopped....they CLEARLY didnt want to be that close to that damn block again!....

It went off again in the soldier's room immediately after I thanked him for his service but that was the only response we receieved from him there....

Then up in the attic, we ran a Ghost Box session and got the name "Mike" AND we BOTH heard the music again- just three or four notes on a chinky old piano, but we WERE also able to capture it on the night vision camera!!......that being said, we filmed in night vision the ENTIRE TIME and caught dozens of orbs from all the hotspots....and at one point, during 11 minutes of uninterrupted recording in our room with no one present, there is the unmistakable sound of JAZZ MUSIC and what can only be described as a money counter, like they had in Vegas back in the day that would count your bills- you could hear what sounded like money zipping through one!!...

I still have to go through all the audio and video we caught (there's SO MUCH) - clean the audio up so the EVP's we caught are a bit clearer- but when I'm done I'll send it all along to you....

Morse Mill is true to its reputation that's for sure!....we will DEFINITELY come back to do more investigating- the more you visit a site , the more comfortable They become with you and you're able to establish a trust relationship that way....We could EASILY live in that house- They made us feel right at home for just meeting us, and so did you and Rhea....

It freaks people out sometimes, the way we can talk about those that have Transitioned like They're still here, but I think your house proves that They are, and, in your case, They want others to know, too. That's why we do what we do- so EVERYONE has a voice and can be Heard 🙂.....

Thanks again for giving us such a fantastic opportunity, allowing us to invade your home, and that INCREDIBLE quiche!! (we'll be back if for no other reason that THAT!!). Take care and we'll be in touch soon!!

Shannon and Chris❤️

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