1st: Understand that under no circumstance have I ever sought proof, and or requested action from the resident spirits that we share this place with-never!!! Because when you call them out, guess what they come out-big surprise!!!
2nd: I've been closely tracking everything that people do, that causes the Paranormal activity. So, I can put it up on the Hotel website. In the 14 years I've been involved with this place, you wouldn't believe the stories.
As for the building, we love it. It's big, with plenty of room. The fact that we are moving doesn't come easy.
We'll miss the solitude, the sound of the river, a yard that's bigger than needed. and living in a piece of history. I might even miss the spirits.
Here's the reality, once in a great while I hear them, but I don't see them. I wear glasses, and I know this building very well. So, when I'm walking the halls, at 3am I do so without lights, and without glasses because frankly I don't want to see them. We have a standing rule, we leave each other alone. If you're lucky enough to ever sleep in a place like this, and don't want encounters it's simple-don't engage them in any way, and they will leave you and your kids alone!
For the record. The most recent experience was not in the building, it was August pre-dawn not a full moon, but close. I was outside walking back from the post office, when I noticed a white mist the size of a mature St Bernard 1 to 3 feet above the grass head down the hill by the shed, across the field, across the road then towards the main highway "B" and vanish. It was big, white, and very fast. They are always fast, come to think of it?
Once I had processed what I saw, then it was interesting to think I had witnessed something that no one can explain.
A true mystery.
Thank you so much for the experience of being able to stay in your home. What are your plans for the future? Maybe move to Florida or find someone to run the place for you?