These ladies return April 23, to spend the night.
Every time this person returns she will get closer to the spirits, they will trust her more. Personally I willn keep my distance from these people when they start calling them out!
I have no explanation for it. But some people walk in here, and 12 to 20 paranormal events will occur. Sometimes it's non stop. The kicker is it can happen in the first ten minutes upon entry. Activity doesn't require darkness. Like I said "Lightning fast"!!! I've seen things that can move in the daytime, Far faster than lightning. Black shadows lurking, and white thick heavy dense mass-more mass than smoke.
I called this woman, after I read this.
We are going to let her loose in the building, and see what she conjures up.
I need to put cameras on them??
Here's what she sent us!
My daughter and I had a very unique visit when we came to tour awhile ago. Dawn was our tour guide and did a fantastic job! She may not remember, but I am the one that found out that Annabelle drowned in the river below the house after asking her several questions.
Dawn said she had never asked her, but I felt she was asking to be validated.
We also put a Barbie sitting up before we left the room - when we came back she had kicked it and it was on its' face flat out a bit away from where I placed it. LOLOL She's not a Barbie girl. lolol
My concern is that I also had a negative experience in the room where the gentleman hung himself? I was choking and couldn't breathe well. I had no idea what had happened there until Dawn told me because she came to ask why I left the room. I need to make sure we don't get placed in that room or the room that has the large male presence in it. I've not been since you finished the remodel, so I'm having trouble figuring out from pictures where those rooms are located.
We are possibly bringing a friend of mine with us, and she has never been. Please don't think we are foolish, but we have been drawn back to your house since our visit.
The "little boy" spirit that lives there was very drawn to my daughter and hugged her.
The slave quarters brought me to tears.
Annabelle seemed sad that we didn't stay longer to play.
The slaves there were very present, and some of the female presences were active around us. If I said these things to anyone not aware, they would think I am crazy. Believe me, it was almost impossible to share our experience with anyone that doesn't understand!
I felt you needed to know who is coming as your guests and make sure that is okay before I make the reservation.
This is your home now and we respect that there are tours all the time, but we are actually staying if we are welcome to.
Thank you!
I will ensure this guest has the place to herself, for I am betting she will awaken the creepy, just by her presence.
I'll wait till morning to get the details.
Landlord of the creepy!