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Tour Guide

January, cold night-6 people, private 6 hrs! WOW what a night, clear voices out of thin air recorded

What a great night!

  • Keith went in the basement right away to get a fire going for our 6 hour hunt. He was bent down putting wood in the fireplace when he saw a large shadow, approximately six foot, standing watching him in the doorway in between the fireplace room and next room (slave area).

  • As quickly as he saw it, it quickly disappeared.

  • K2 hits in the attic.

  • Very loud bang on the 2nd floor while we were all in the dining room, asked can you make that noise again, heard a second bang but not as loud.

  • Dowsing rods were used successfully in the piano room.

  • One guest felt dizzy and ill every time he tried to enter room #4 on the first floor.

  • On the second floor hallway two guests said “this is your last chance to let us know you are here” they heard someway say “Hey!” and a tap of a foot then what sounded like a foot dragging noise, the rest of the group was warming by the fire in the basement.

  • The sound of poker chips or a coin dropping to the floor was heard in the 1st floor bay window room from the basement.

  • While in the fireplace room we all heard footsteps in next room slave area & on the 1st floor in the dining room right above us so loud the floorboards creaked.

  • We used the mag lights with great success turning on for yes and off for no in the dining room, attic and slave room.

  • When we did an evp session and played back the recording the mag lights responded to the recording of us also.

MANY evp’s captured throughout the night: (evp’s text bold and in quotes)

#1: 1st floor bay window – Can you tell your name? “Craig or Greg”

#2: Slave room – can you tell me your name? “yeah”

#3: Fireplace room – are you messing with my phone? “Jesus!”

#4: Small room in the attic –why do they call you crazy? “cuz I jumped in the water”

#5: Slave room – what is your name? “Karen”

#6: Fireplace room, same female voice as #5 -Did you work here? “feed”. Were you a cook? K2 response up to red. Did you cook beef stew? K2 response up to red. How about fried chicken? K2 response up to red.

#7: Fireplace room – my right ear was touched. Who touched Dawn’s ear? “it’s ok, I did it again”

#8: 2nd floor middle room on left – do you want us to leave? (male voice) “yes!”

#9: All in fireplace room heard the chain rattle, went into slave room – Was that you Karen that moved the chain? (male voice) “get out of here!”

#10 & #11: Fireplace room – we had a hot fire going everyone was in the room warming up. We felt freezing, freezing cold walk between us. Myself and two guests were sitting on the hearth, Keith was across from me in a chair. The freezing cold was to my right and the ghost meter was constantly beeping when pointed in that area. I asked Keith to move the meter to his other side he did and it stopped. I said move it back to my right and it started constantly beeping again. I said do you want to warm by the fire with us? “Cold!” I stood up and invited the spirit to take my seat by the fire to get warm. After five or so minutes I sat back down and we felt the freezing cold walk between us again back the way it came in. Keith said now my right hand is freezing, I feel you on my right hand “you’re a freak!”

#12: 2nd floor hallway – the sound of a child’s footsteps running. Are you running from us? “outside!”

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