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1PM 2nd floor, white image passed in front of the window.

I just remembered something else about the white figure, substantially bigger than a 12 year old it was not Annabel.

In the last few weeks we've been carefully opening floors and improving the air conditioning efficiency by insulating and ensuring no small air leaks.. This means opening floors, since we started this tedious process we've noticed we are seeing a glimpse of the white figure in Annabel's suite, and the Attic. I will share one thing, normally this happens in a flash. But this was moving normal speed, no flash, like it wanted to be seen?

The shadow or dark figure is more elusive, I've only caught a glimpse of that one, and it's been outside. It seems to be always as it's darting around a corner.

Nothing in the middle of the night! It's interesting, there has been an usually quite last few weeks, at night. On the 1st floor it's quiet. Guests staying on the 2nd floor, business as usual...touching, footsteps, EVP's, running, laughing.

Last weekend we had 2 teenagers, and a mom. They said nothing, showed no emotion, never asked to receive a sign, they basically sat silent and predictably nothing happens. Business as usual, night before 4 hardcore investigators got all kinds of activity, report to follow...they got what they asked for..

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Julie Chagnon
Julie Chagnon
Jul 01, 2021

That said, a white shadow has a great spirit. You’re good there.  that elusive black shadow, I don’t like it.


Julie Chagnon
Julie Chagnon
Jul 01, 2021

I rented a home not far from there years ago. The previous owner died in it on Christmas. It was only me and my two kids. My youngest who is now 22 was a baby. He would point towards the ceiling and his finger would follow along. He would giggle so hard. I really loved cooking in her kitchen. It was a 1950s style. Gas stove, metal cabinets, etc. I would see white shadows all the time. She would open cabinets at night, and rearrange chairs. At first, it scared me. So, it stopped. Then, I just spoke out loud to her during the day. “Hi Mary, we just need to borrow your beautiful home for a bi…

Julie Chagnon
Julie Chagnon
Jul 02, 2021
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Agree. Same location?

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